March 21 and 22, 2025
Los Angeles Premiere
in person!
When the Phone Rang
2024. DCP 2K · Color · 73 mins.
In Serbo-Croatian with English ST.
Now Instant Image Hall
939 Chung King Rd, Los Angeles, CA
Q+As with the director to follow both screenings.
Rotations is thrilled to welcome back filmmaker Iva Radivojevic for the two-night Los Angeles premiere of her new film, When the Phone Rang (Kada je zazvonio telefon), made in the filmmaker’s native Serbia. Through an intimate reconstruction of an important phone call, When the Phone Rang investigates dislocation and the nature of remembering. In the protagonist’s 11-year-old mind, this phone call erases her entire country, history, and identity and hides its existence in books, films, and memories of those born before 1995.
“If we consider one of the aims of war to be the destruction of memory, eradicating culture’s memory and collective existence, then these private, unwritten accounts act as counter-memory, surviving despite the attempts of erasure and preserving narratives outside of national and nationalistic (authoritative) agendas.” —Iva Radivojevic
About the filmmakers
Director, writer, editor, music: Iva Radivojevic
Producers: Andrijana Sofranis Sucur, Marija Stojnic, Madeleine Molyneaux, Iva Radivojevic
Co-producer: Genoveva Petrovits
Cinematographer: Martin DiCicco
Sound Design & Mix: Leandros Ntounis (I Heard Voices - Athens, Greece)
Camera Assistant and Loader: Bojan Durisic
Gaffer: Viktor Minic
16mm Film Lab Processing NFI
Sound Recordist Bojan Palikuca
Color Dimitris Karteris - Athens, Greece
Mastering / DCP Chris Karteris - Athens, Greece
Cast: Natalija Ilinčic, Srna Vasic, Vasilije Zečevic, Danica Maksimovic, Anton Augustinov, Mila Drobnjak, Dunja Vladisavljevic, Ivana Pančic, Ibro Sakic, Slavica Bajčeta
With thanks to Madeleine Molyneaux and Picture Palace Pictures, Ivaasks Films, Set Sail Films, Lights On, and California Institute of the Arts School of Film/Video.